If you have recently become engaged and are seeking information about getting married at St Thomas’, congratulations! Our diocese normally requires six months’ notice so you should contact our Parish Priest as soon as possible.
As an engaged couple, you need to attend a marriage preparation course with other couples over a weekend (Friday evening and all-day Saturday) in the six months prior to your marriage. This course is given by married couples and aims to help you understand how to create a loving, caring and supportive relationship able to cope with the ups and downs of a long marriage. It also teaches you how to be good parents. A happy loving couple is a blessing to each other, their children and to all they encounter.
After nearly sixty years of marriage, one of our married couples has written about their Catholic vision of marriage called ‘Dating, Courtship and Marriage – our Catholic Vision‘. We hope you find it insightful and useful.
You can download our Getting Married form (see below) and return it to our Parish Office.