The Eucharist is for all baptised Catholics. If you are in any doubt if you are allowed to receive communion, then talk to one of our Priests prior to the Mass.
First Reconciliation and Holy Communion Programme 2025
Registration Forms for the 2025 programme are now available from the Narthex or the Parish Office or can be downloaded from this site (see under News & Info).
Please make sure they are completed and returned – along with your child’s baptismal certificate – to the Presbytery by Sunday 24th November 2024.
Children must be Year 3 or above.
There will be an Introductory Meeting for parents and children on Saturday 7th December at 9am.
Sessions will run from 9.00 am to 10.00 am on Saturday mornings. Dates will be given at the Introductory Meeting.
There will be five parent sessions on some of the Saturdays in the Church. Dates will be given at the Introductory Meeting.
We will be using the book ‘I Belong’ by Redemptorist Publications. It is available to buy from our St Thomas’ Bookshop or online I Belong | First Holy Communion | RP Books. I Belong is a very child-friendly resource, with lively, colourful material which is based on the framework of our celebration of the Eucharist (Mass).
The First Communion Day will be Sunday 18th May 2025, at the 9.30am and 11.00am Masses.
Online Resources
- Agency for Evangelisation and Catechesis
- Catholic Truth Society
- ST PAULS online store (books, CDs, DVDs, gift items, religious artefacts, Bibles and biblical studies)
- A Biblical Walk Through The Mass – Ascension