My Thoughts on 07/05/2021

In the gospel today Jesus says “you are my friends.” “I call you friends.” “You did not choose me: no, I chose you.”

The friendship of Jesus seems to be conditional. “You are my friends if you do what I command you.” It is as if a person says to you You can only be my friend if you do whatever I tell you to do!

This does not seem to be a very attractive proposition because we don’t know what will be asked of us. When it comes to the friendship that Jesus offers we know already how far Jesus will willing to go in his offer of friendship, in his love for us. His friendship means that he is willing to give his very self for us. St John reminds us :”it is not our love for God but God’s love for us.”

We are being offered an intimacy that is life giving and transformative. Am I brave enough to accept his offer of friendship?

Lord give me the grace to say yes your offer of friendship. I know that you will walk beside me in this life of self giving that you are calling me to. Help me to trust in you as you lead me to true freedom.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest