My Thoughts on 05/05/2021
Being in Kent the Garden of England in May is the time I can really appreciate the blossom of the fruit trees. The blossom and fruit grow on the fragile twigs and tendrils and not on the main part the tree.
In today’s Gospel we hear again the call to bear fruit. “It is to the glory of my Father that you should bear much fruit, and then you will be my disciples.” Our reaction to hearing these words might be a feeling of inadequacy. God doesn’t wait for us to be perfect before using us as his instruments. Those who are most effective are those who are aware of their past failures and sinfulness but make their home in Christ. They remain connected Christ, rooted in Christ. They know that apart from me you can do nothing”
When I was a child we had a coal fire and I would watch a burning coal fall out the fire into the grate and it would lose its glow. It is impossible for us to be fruitful without keeping contact with Christ, with a steady prayer life.
Lord give me the grace to remain in contact with you every day, may I never allow myself to be cut off from you.