My Thoughts on 17/04/2021
“Do not be afraid, it is I. ”
These are the words of Jesus said as he can across the water to the disciples bring tossed about in the storm on the lake. The sailing conditions are difficult and the disciples are in deep water far from shore. After the multiplication of loaves and fish, Jesus is revealing himself as Lord, by walking on the water.
One commentator points out that the reason the sight of Jesus walking on water provokes fear in the disciples is found in Jesus words “It is I” literally “I am.” By identifying himself as “I am”, Jesus reveals himself to the disciples as the Lord. His walking on the sea is a theophany, God revealing himself. The disciples were eager from him to step into the boat and they reached shore.
We are called to trust in Jesus as the Lord. We can be assured that if we welcome Jesus in the boat of our life as Lord, then we have an assurance that how ever difficult life seems we know he is with us.
“ The light, radiance and joy we associate with Easter are justified by the great victory of Christ over suffering and death. Daily and often during the day, it helps to state our trust in God and to pray for more. We know you are here, Lord, risen and living in your Body the church; help us not to be afraid and worries.”
Don Tatafous