My Thoughts on 18/01/2021

Today is the first day of the Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity. Each year a different theme is chosen. This year the theme chosen is “Abide in my love and you shall bear much fruit” and this is based on John 5:1-17.

Here in Canterbury I suggest that we pray for particular Christian Communities each day. Today we are praying especially for the Benefice of St Dunstan, St Peter and St Mildred led by the rector Rev Jo Richards. We are also praying for Cathedral here in Canterbury. The Dean is Rev Robert Willis. As Christians together what we have in common is that we live in Christ.

Today let us particularly reflect on the words: “You did not choose me but I choose you.” (John 15:16a). Do I really believe that God has chosen me? Why has God chosen me? Has he chosen me for a particular work to do? In yesterday’s gospel about the call of the first disciples we read that Jesus looked at Peter. One translation is Jesus looked hard at Simon and and changed his name. He was chosen. I think that was a look of deep love. Imagine Jesus looking at you with a look of love and joy.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest