My Thoughts on 15/01/2021
When my cousin was receiving her nurse’s pin after completing training, today’s Gospel was read as part of the ceremony. The four men bringing a paralytic to Jesus for him to heal stripped off the roof because the crowd prevented them from getting close to Jesus. The matron used this incident to talk about the four men who made it their business to make sure the paralytic got to Jesus. This is the sort of determination that nurses need to show, making sure that the patient gets the treatment thy need. No mention was made of the words of Jesus “Your sins are forgiven”
One writer has said: “Four friends of the cripple man carried him to Jesus. It is an image of how we can carry people to God through prayer. We are not told anything about the faith of the man on the stretcher. What impressed Jesus was the faith of his friends. Very often, when people are sick, they don’t have the energy to pray. It is consoling to remember that other people, through their faith, are carrying our petitions to God “.
In this time of pandemic let us pray for all those who have COVID 19.