My Thoughts on 18/12/2020
Last night we had a parish carol service which was live streamed. It took Covid-19 to spur us into action and the result was a prayerful and encouraging rendering of the Christmas Story.
Our parish has not had a Carol service for many years. If you missed it you can watch it here. The music group did a wonderful job recording the music and words which was then mixed or knitted together by Jo Lam into something truly delightful to listen to.
When I was a boy soprano, many years ago, I was chosen to sing solo the first verse of the opening carol at our parish carol concert. It was “Come, Come, Come to the manger, children come to the children’s king.” I am not sure if I ever did hit the top note. I was so nervous. It was a traditional tune, and the author is unknown. This remains one of my favourites because of this.
Have you a favourite hymn? Why not sit with the words and use them as a focus for your prayer over the Christmas season.