My Thoughts on 22/07/2020

Today is the feast of Mary Magdalene. On the stairs in the priest’s house is a painting of a woman holding a jar. I am told this is Mary Magdalene. Also outside next the church is the tower of the 12th Century Church of St Mary Magdalene. This was built around 1500.

She is the most well known woman in the New Testament apart from Mary the mother of Jesus. One writer said that she should be the patron saint of the slandered, since there has been a persistent legend in the church that she was the unnamed sinful woman who anointed the feet of Jesus in Luke 7:36-50.

We do know from Scripture she was one of the many women who assisted Jesus and the disciples with food and money, and she stood at the foot of the cross with Mary, the mother of Jesus. She was the first one to meet the resurrected Jesus in the garden and initially thought he was the gardener. She recognised him when he said her name. She was told by Jesus to tell others. Thus she is sometimes known as the “Apostle of the Apostles.”

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest