My Thoughts on 28/05/2020

In his book, “God of Surprises”, the late Gerald Hughes S.J. relates a parable of good Old Uncle George to show that our image of God can be of a God who while outwardly kind and good will punish us if we don’t visit him and acknowledge him.

When we speak of the gift Fear of the Lord, we are recognising who God is. God is the creator, and sustainer of the universe and we are his creatures. In the English version of the Rite of Confirmation, “fear of you” is translated as Wonder and Awe in your presence. If we have the gift of Fear of the Lord, we have a profound sense of wonder at the enormity of God’s love and its power in our lives. The more we “fear the Lord, the more we are prepared to abandon ourselves to his tremendous love.”

Come, Holy Spirit, increase in us your gift of fear of the Lord. Help us to see with the eyes of faith God’s tremendous love for us. Through this gift, deepen the spirit of prayer in our lives, and help us to share more generously our time, talent and financial resources.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest