My Thoughts on 22/05/2020

Today we are encouraged to begin on a Novena to the Holy Spirit in preparation of the feast of Pentecost. In last Sunday’s Newsletter & Blog I did suggest a prayer for each day of the Novena. The first seven days are based on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Today is Wisdom. Wisdom guides us to pray patiently and with an open heart, ready for whatever comes. Wisdom helps us to know what to pray for and where to use the talent and resources God gives us. Wisdom enables us to see Gods response to our prayers when there seems to be no response.

Come Holy Spirit, fill us with the clear light of your wisdom. Help us to pray for what we need to follow Jesus faithfully. Help us to use the gift of wisdom to serve one another. Help us to see that wisdom is a gift for all those you have gathered, not just a few. Give us the wisdom to embrace the truth wherever we may find it.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest