My Thoughts on 15/05/2020
Last Wednesday, at our “virtual” RCIA group, we looked at Pope Francis document; “The Joy of the Gospel” which he wrote in 2014. There is a section in it that I was reminded of, when reading the words of today’s Gospel. Jesus said: “You are my friends….I shall not call you servants anymore,…I call you friends” and “You did not choose me: no, I chose you; those words are address not only to his disciples but also to us. We are chosen, and we are his friends.
Pope Francis wrote “The primary reason for evangelizing is the love of Jesus which we have received, the experience of salvation, which urges us to ever greater love of him.” He also says, “If we do not feel an intense desire to share this love, we need to pray insistently that he will once more touch our hearts.”
Many of us perhaps don’t feel a deep friendship with Jesus or do not feel close to him. Growing in friendship takes time. We need to spend time with Jesus, in being aware of his presence in our everyday life and in the people we meet and the situations we find ourselves.
Lord give me the grace to know you more deeply, love you more intensely and follow you more closely.