My Thoughts on 06/05/2020

During the rite of baptism the parents of the child are given a candle lit from the Paschal Candle. The priest or deacon says: “Receive the light of Christ, this child of yours has been enlightened by Christ, keep the flame of faith alive in his/her heart.”

The Easter Candle and the baptismal candle remind us that Christ is the light that penetrates and disperses the darkness of sin and selfishness in our world and in our heart. It reminds us that we are called to be light to others.

In this time of lockdown how can we be the light of Christ to others when we are discouraged from any social contact? Why not today phone someone, write an encouraging email, send a card or letter, and pray for someone you know who is ill or lonely or struggling.

In this way you are letting Christ’s light shine through you. You are shining like stars in the world.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest