My Thoughts on 27/04/2020

I remember as a young priest visiting someone in hospital who confronted me by saying he saw religion as nothing more than a crutch. We needed to stand on our own two feet. Religion was for the weak.

As we continue the reading from the sixth chapter of St John during this week we read that after the multiplication of loaves the people were looking for Jesus. They found him at Capernaum. Jesus seemed to rebuke the crowds saying “you are only here because I gave you food”. He challenged them to work for the food that endures to eternal life. When asked by the crowd what they must do Jesus answered . “This is working for God: you must believe in the one he has sent”.

He is asking us to believe, to have trust in him. We are asked to entrust ourselves to him. Far from being a sign of weakness it is something we all find hard to do. It is not easy to entrust ourselves completely to someone else.

Today let’s ask for the grace to come to know Jesus and entrust ourselves to him. This will bring us freedom and life.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest