Feast of the Holy Family

For better or worse, the most influential people in our lives are those with whom we live. The greatest support or barrier to the development of faith comes from the quality of family life in our formative years.” Fr S. Flynn.

Today, on this feast of the Holy Family, let us reflect on the importance of family life and pray for our families.

Here are some of the things I suggest that we could pray for.

  • That whatever disagreements or rows that might occur within the family, may their day end with making peace. “Never let the sun go down on your anger.”
  • May their lives be filled with small gestures of affection.
  • May the Bible be a part of their life. May they read it together as husbands and wives, parents and children. May the light of God’s word help them to move forward as a family
  • We pray for young couples who are newly married that in the turbulent and demanding journey of their life of love they may know the wisdom and strength God gives then in the grace of the sacrament.
  • We pray that the culture of comfort may not deter couples from having children, of bringing forth new life.
  • May fathers and mothers whose lives are filled with the pressures of work always find time to play with their children
  • May children and young adults not waste time on hollow things like social media, and playing on their phones and the exclusion of what is really important.
  • That we value the elderly in family life, especially grandparents.

It would be good to hear from families in the parish what we need to pray for and focus on.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest