Synod Updates2022-03-18T18:52:08+00:00

Our two Parish Synod Delegates, John-Paul and Sophia, have submitted the Parish Consultation Summary document (Synod 2023 – Summary – Final Version) in February 2022.

On the Feast of St Patrick, Sophia and John-Paul attended the Diocese’s presentation of their own summary on Zoom. You can find this 16-page draft summary (Diocesan Synthesis 1.3) below. This will need to be shortened before being sent to the Bishops’ Conference on Friday, 8th April 2022.

We have until Thursday, 24th March 2022 to receive further feedback and comments on this document. You can send your feedback to us at SynodStThomas@gmail.com, and if you have anything that you feel that has not been covered in the document and which the Diocese should be aware of, they are still receiving submissions at https://www.rcsouthwark.co.uk/get-involved/synod/online-submissions/

Also below you will find a Synod Update – 19th March 2022 which is a summary of the Diocesan Synthesis by Sophia and John-Paul.

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