Vision and Objectives

The purpose of our Church and community is to assist people to know, love and serve God. We seek to:

  • assist people to know God better by our programs of teaching of children and adults (catechesis) and by personal example.
  • assist people to love and serve God by loving and serving our neighbours in our programs and ministries.
  • promote praying and believing through all our services; hearing God’s word and proclaiming our faith within our community.
  • support all our Parish Ministries.
  • deliver our spiritual and sacramental programmes e.g. Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Becoming a Catholic and wedding preparations.
  • encourage and develop our children in their faith.
  • reach out to those who are less fortunate or marginalised in our community.

God wishes us to know, love and serve Him for our benefit, not His. He has put us temporarily on earth to enjoy His creation and to find in it love, truth, happiness, and beauty. Our Parish Vision is to create such a community of love, truth, happiness, and beauty and to bring joy to our community and to all those who come into contact with us.