Silent Prayer Group

Please join us for our Silent Prayer Group using Zoom Video Conferencing. The group started in February 2021 and it is open to all.

Every Thursday at 7.30 pm to 8.15 pm.

A time of Silent Prayer followed, for those who wish, by a time of reflection and sharing.

If you are interested please email John Renn at for the Zoom Link.

The group is led by John Renn

“In the seventies, I was introduced to Christian Meditation by Father Matthew McGettrick (Order of Discalced Carmelites) at his meditation sessions in Kensington, London. Silent Prayer is not so much a question of becoming ‘good’ at stilling our minds but more a question of taking time with our God who loves us and wants us to become Christ centred agents in the world, through our daily life”.

John Renn

If you would like to know more about the session format you can download the session details below.