Rough Edges

A voice cries, ‘Prepare in the wilderness
a way for the Lord.
Make a straight highway for our God
across the desert.
Let every valley be filled in,
every mountain and hill be laid low.
Let every cliff become a plain,
and the ridges a valley;
then the glory of the Lord shall be revealed
and all mankind shall see it;
for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’

John the Baptist is the voice we are hearing this week. He is the voice that Isaiah says is crying out: Prepare in the wilderness a way for the Lord. Where do we find the wilderness today? I don’t mean those parts of our planet that are desert-like, hot, lacking vegetation, with very little life — uninhabited regions that are uncultivated and inhospitable. But where are the deserts or wastelands in my life?

Am I wasting my time and energies on frivolous pursuits and things? Do I waste my days in busyness, distractions and entertainment? What waste clutters my mind? How much of the resources of the planet do I waste and cast aside? What else would you add to your list of “waste” — wasted time, energy and resources? John calls for a transformation so that a way for the Lord will be created.

This Advent we are called to clean up our act and straighten things up. Now is not the time to bargain, or convince God to act on our behalf. God is well disposed towards us. He is more than ready to come into our hearts. What roadwork do we need to do this Advent? What valleys and empty places need filling in? What mountains, obstacles to God in our lives need levelling? What rough edges need smoothing?

This time is a good opportunity to take a closer look at ourselves. To what extent are we complacent at the evils around us? Does our smugness set us apart from others? In these weeks running up to Christmas, are we overly concerned about what we want? Especially during this intense time of shopping? How thankful are we for God’s many acts of kindness? Am I willing to work with others to make changes in our world?

These are not listed in the Ten Commandments, but it’s Advent, take a look around. In your life, what would you add to the list of valleys that need filling in; mountains that should be made low; roads that need straightening? These might not make the list of “big sins” — but they still call out for attention, as we prepare the way of the Lord.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest