Fr John Howard – Thank you

The 2nd and 3rd of September will be Father John’s last weekend with us before he takes up his new appointment as assistant priest in the parish of St Augustine, Tunbridge Wells. His first year as a priest wasn’t easy, as he arrived in the middle of the pandemic. At his ordination, because of the Covid restrictions, he was allowed only thirty guests.

I am sure that you will be expressing your own feelings of gratitude to him. I would like to thank him for the dedication and service he has shown as a priest and also his thoughtfulness and sensitivity. We will miss him.

The Church makes clear that the ordained priest shares in the one priesthood of Christ as shepherd, teacher, and sanctifier. Fr John has done all these things through his pastoral care of people, his involvement in the schools, in catechises and preaching and his careful celebration of the sacraments. But I also want to thank you, the people of our parish, for the many ways you have helped form Fr John in the first years of his priestly life.

The relationship between priest and people is vital. Your loving support of him has been essential. We are all God’s people working together to bring about the coming of His Kingdom. The mission entrusted to us by Jesus is something we share together. The priest is nobody without the people he serves. Working together means that the Spirit can work powerfully in the church. It is important that the priest identifies and encourages the development of the gifts of the spirit in the people he serves, and it is vital that the laity affirm, encourage and guide the priests who serve them.

Last year, Pope Francis, in talking to priests, said it was important that in times when we are faced with our weakness and limitations, to have courage. “The Lord is greater than your weaknesses, than your sins, entrust yourself to the Lord,” the Pope said. “A double life won’t help you, nor will tossing everything out the window. Look ahead and let yourself be caressed by the anointing of the Holy Spirit.” “Priests, (he said), should be honest and ask themselves, “Does my fulfilment depend on my abilities, my position, the compliments I receive, my promotions, the respect of my superiors or co-workers, the comforts with which I surround myself? Or on the anointing that spreads its fragrance everywhere in my life?” Spiritual life becomes “liberating and joyful once we are no longer concerned to save appearances and make quick fixes,” said the Pope.

He ended his homily with two “simple and important words” for the priests: “Thank you.”

“Thank you for your ministry, which is often carried out with great effort and little recognition.”

Loving Lord and Father, who through no merit of his own, chose Fr John for communion with the eternal priesthood of your
Christ, and for the ministry of your Church, grant that he may be an ardent yet gentle preacher of the Gospel and a faithful
steward of your mysteries.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest