I Can Make All Things Well
Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray continually and never lose heart. So the advice and encouragement we are given by Jesus is “to pray continually and never lose heart”.
I can hear you say: “What is the point? God doesn’t answer my prayers. What is the point of praying?” “I have been praying for my son to be freed of his addiction but it is not happening.” “I am asking that my daughter rediscovers her faith but she won’t come to Mass with me.” “My dear friend has cancer and it is terminal. I want God to heal him.”
It can be easy to lose heart. Jesus tells us, through the parable in the Gospel this weekend, that the unjust judge will relent eventually because of the persistence of the widow. Jesus then says “Now, will not God see justice done to his chosen who cry to him day and night even when he delays to help them? I promise you, he will see justice done to them, and done speedily.”
As we know we don’t pray to change God’s mind but as we pray we listen to God who helps us to understand his mind and his will. Prayer transforms and opens our eyes to see others from Jesus’ perspective. I often find it helps me to ask “Lord how do you want me to pray about this”.
And we need to pray in faith believing that Jesus is full of compassion and loves the one we are praying for more than we can love that person. At the end of the passage today Jesus makes a curious statement; “But when the Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on earth?” We need to pray, believing that God is in charge of all and we live in complete trust in his goodness and care for us.
The words of Dame Julian of Norwich are pertinent here:
“I will make all things well. I shall make all things well. I may make all things well, and I can make all things well; and thou shalt see thyself that all things shall be well…” (A Shewing of God’s love, XV)
Let us pray:
Hidden God, with whose mystery we struggle and whose face we long to see, do not allow us to lose heart before you, despite our wavering faith; but in your compassion, deign to be conquered by the insistent prayer of those who seek your blessing and strong help. We ask this through Jesus Christ for in his arms we are held fast forever and ever.