My Thoughts 22/05/2022

The Bishops of England and Wales have chosen today Tuesday of the 5th Week of Easter as the Day of Prayer for Victims and Survivors of Abuse. This day is seen as a day of prayer for those who have been abused in a season of hope and new life.

The Isaiah Journey is a working group of the Bishops’ Conference and has grown out of the need for a pastoral-spiritual response to the suffering of victims and survivors of abuse in the Church. They have prepared a range of resources for prayer, action and reflection for use throughout the year. Although today is designated a day of prayer, it is important for us not to restrict prayer and activity to one day, but to make it a part of the life of the parish generally.

Prayer for Healing and Reconciliation

Praise to you Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
the source of all consolation and hope.
Be the refuge and guardian of all
who suffer from abuse and violence.
Comfort them and send healing
for their wounds of the body, soul and spirit.
Help us all and make us one with you
in your love for justice
as we deepen our respect for the dignity of every human life.
Giver of peace, make us one in celebrating
your praise, both now and forever.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
(with thanks to the Diocese of Northampton)

More information can be found on the Conference of Bishops’ website.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest