My Thoughts 02/02/2022

This year I kept my Christmas cards up till last night. While the shops are encouraging us to spend for St Valentines Day, the Church in her Liturgy today marks the end of the Christmas season with the celebration of the Presentation of the Lord often known as Candlemas. At the morning Mass we gathered in the Narthex and the priest blessed some of the the candles that we would use at Mass and then we carried lighted candles into the church.

“O God, source and origin of all light, who this day showed to the just man Simeon the Light for the revelation to the Gentiles we humbly ask that, in answer to your peoples prayers, we may be pleased to sanctify with your blessing these candles which we are eager to carry in praise of your name..”

The festival day’s position at midwinter—exactly midway between the winter solstice, December 21 or 22 each year in the Northern Hemisphere, and the spring equinox the day when daylight lasts for exactly 12 hours – caused it to be a time for taking inventory of one’s winter supplies. One English poem goes: The provident farmer on Candlemas Day, Hath half of his fires and half of his hay.

Let us be like Simeon and Anna and recognise Jesus as the Christ the all of all nations. Let us carry Christ the light that all who meet us may be enlightened by Christ shining through us.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest