My Thoughts 22/12/2021

Yesterday we reflected on the figure of Joseph. Today we turn to Mary. Artists depict her in various ways. Mostly she is seen kneeling with hands joined contemplating her child, as in our crib scene. Others depict her lying down cradling her new born son.

Today’s gospel provides us with the wonderful song of Mary that echos Hannah’s song in the Book of Samuel. The Magnificat is in two parts. In the first part she lifts up her soul to praise God for the great things he has done for her. She acknowledges all the blessing that have been bestowed on her. This is because of her own emptying. Because of her openness she has been able to receive what God wants to bestow on her.

As one writer says “Mary is a good receiver.” We are aware of the phrase “it is more blessed to give than to receive”, but many of us find that our self-importance, self sufficiency or pride mean that we don’t know how to receive. Today when we contemplate Mary she reminds us that everything she receives is from God.

Lord, banish from my heart all pride, all attitudes of self-sufficiency and self-importance that I may be open, like Mary, to receive all your graces and blessings.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest