My Thoughts on 18/06/2021

Last year we celebrated only one wedding at St Thomas of Canterbury This year things are looking up and we are celebrating a few more. Each month the Pope gives us a special intention for which to pray. In this month of June the Pope asks:

“Let us pray for young people who are preparing for marriage with the support of a Christian community: may they grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness and patience”.

Despite the recent wedding of our prime minster, the sacrament of marriage has become unfashionable. Let us pray for our young people who are thinking of marriage, that they receive our support and encouragement. May they come to understand the wonderful grace of God they receive when they celebrate a sacramental marriage.

Here is what the Pope says for the June Prayer Intention.

“Getting married and sharing one’s life is something beautiful. It’s a demanding journey, at times difficult, and at times complicated, but it’s worth making the effort. And on this life-long journey, the husband and wife aren’t alone; Jesus accompanies them. Marriage isn’t just a “social” act; it’s a vocation that’s born from the heart; it’s a conscious decision for the rest of one’s life that requires specific preparation. Please, never forget this. God has a dream for us —love— and He asks us to make it our own. Let us make our own the love which is God’s dream for us. And let us pray for young people who are preparing for marriage with the support of a Christian community: may they grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness and patience. Because a great deal of patience is necessary in order to love. But it’s worth it”

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest