My Thoughts on 06/05/2021
Pope Francis has written several Apostolic Exhortation entitled “The Joy of Love”, “The Joy of the Gospel” and “Rejoice and be Glad”. Exhortations generally encourage a particular virtue or activity. They are frequently issued following a Synod of Bishops. I am sure it is no accident that the word “joy”and “rejoice” are very much part of the Pope’s vocabulary.
In today’s Gospel Jesus calls us to remain in his love so that his own joy may be in us and our joy be complete.
Sister Mary David in her book “The Joy of God” writes:
“ not an emotion; it is a crossing to place one’s happiness where it properly belongs, holding one to what is true and real whether we feel it or not. It is important to remind ourselves this joy is not determined by the way we feel. It is something we do. We need to choice Joy. It is something to be chosen, a choice God calls us us to. In calling us to himself, he calls us to joy, for he is our joy.”
Lord, fill me with that deep joy that comes from the gift of your love. Fill me with your love today so that I may continue to share the joy of your love and the joy of the good news with others.