My Thoughts on 26/04/2021

When I was in the parish of the Good Shepherd the school wanted a motto, or tag line. We chose the last sentence of today’s Gospel:

“I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full”

The aim of the school was to help the children be open to all God’s gifts and experience the fullness of life. This was also the tag line for the recently closed Diocesan Youth Centre at Whitstable.

In the office of Readings today we have a except from St Basil of Great where he talks about our baptism. Here he says that baptism, contains a type of life and death, “for water fulfils the image of death and the Spirit gives us the promise of life.

This time of Easter is a time to reflect on the fullness of life that we have all received through our baptism. Perhaps we are not always living in the fullness of the Spirit. Are we half dead rather than fully alive?

Lord help me today to live more abundantly your life of the Spirit. May I live life to the full.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest