My Thoughts on 20/04/2021

I heard on the news this morning that the former House of Commons Speaker, Baroness Betty Boothroyd is to auction off around 40 items she received during her political career. This is because she is downsizing. She is moving from London to a small cottage in the country. The items include a gift box from the late Russian president Boris Yeltsin, two Victorian crystal chandeliers, a Royal Navy decanter and limited edition ceramic figure of Lawrence of Arabia riding a camel.

While not accumulating such noteworthy items, we all accrue many processions and as we grow older they can become a burden. There is always a danger of becoming processed by what we process. Jesus tells the parable in Luke 12:15-21 about the man who decided to build bigger barns to hold all his produce. In that way he would have an easy life because he would have everything he needed. But Jesus is telling us that life does not consist in having many processions. Life is more important than material processions.

I find myself this morning looking at what I have and thinking it would be good to let go and try to live more simply.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest