My Thoughts on 02/01/2021
In my walk through Dane John Gardens yesterday, I noticed the shoots of daffodils breaking through the soil. For me it was a small moment to joy, a sign of new life. As we continue to face the sad news of increasing numbers of people who have died from Covid-19 we must hold on to the shoots of new life. These are all those who sacrifice their own freedom to keep all safe. It is those committed people who work tirelessly in nursing and caring profession. It is all those who support the hungry and marginalised in our community. It all those who are creating the vaccines that fight the virus. The shoots breaking through the soil are a reminder of those words in Revelation “Behold I make all things new.” Revelation 21:5. It is only God who brings about the growth. Our responsibility to provide the watering and nurturing and the right soil. This is our task and calling for 2021.
Lord give me the grace to recognise all the signs of life and new growth. Give me the strength nurture new growth in among my family, friends, community and the wider world.