My Thoughts on 14/11/2020

Here is an important message for us today, especially at this time of pandemic. Don’t lose heart.

In today’s gospel, Jesus is encouraging his disciples and us to pray continually and never lose heart by telling them the parable of the persistent widow and the judge who had neither fear of God nor respect for man who in the end gave in. “I must give this widow her just rights, or she will persist in coming and worry me to death”

We need to have faith and trust in God whose attitude is so different from that of the judge. God will see justice done to those who cry out to him even when he delays. God always hears our prayers, but doesn’t always responds in the way and the speed we expect. What is important is that we don’t give up. We perhaps need to turn to God in our intercession and ask, Lord show me how you want me to pray about whatever in on our mind. God is always listening and we need to listen as well.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest