My Thoughts on 21/07/2020

Today is the final day of school for year 6 at St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School. At their leavers assembly this morning they will be reflecting on the graces and blessings that they have received from God over the past seven years.

They are going to reflect on the words of St Oscar Romero, a 20th Century martyr who was gunned down while celebrating Mass on 24th March 1980. The Archbishop said, “Aspire not to have more, but to be more.” This saint has become a second patron for this parish ever since we were given an Alb and Stole belonging to him from the diocese of San Salvador. You can see this displayed in the Martyrs chapel.

In one of his homilies St Oscar said. “I have the responsibility of being the leavening of society, of transforming such an ugly world. This, yes, would change the face of our country, to truly inject the life of Christ into our society, our laws, in our policies, in all our relationships. Who is going to do this? You are!”

Please pray for our young people as they move on to secondary education in September. May they aspire to be more. To be more the person God created them to be. To be a leaven that truly transforms those that they meet and thus bring about God’s kingdom.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest