My Thoughts on 03/07/2020

Today we keep the feast of St Thomas.

Thomas, known as Didymus, the twin, gets a bad press. We know him as “Doubting Thomas” after he said those well known words, ‘Unless I see the holes that the nails made in his hands and can put my finger into the holes they made, and unless I can put my hand into his side, I refuse to believe.’ This was after Jesus had appeared to the other disciples. But he has also given that wonderful expression of faith “My Lord and my God” as he touched the wounds of Christ. He has given us a prayer that will be on our lips to the end of time.

We don’t know for certain what became of him but one tradition says he went to southern India, and the Syriac Christians of Malabar still call themselves “Christians of St Thomas”. It is claimed that he was martyred there in 72 and that his body is still in Mylapore, near Madras, where he was buried.

Here is part of prayer to St Thomas written by Anthony Chiffolo

Holy Saint Thomas, your story gives me inspiration to press ahead, despite my doubts and fears. Pray for me that I may take the long view and not become upset with perceived rejections or insults. Pray for me that I may remain faithful and loving even when assailed by doubts and unbelief. Pray for me that the Spirit of the Lord will come to me, to calm my anxieties, to soothe my fears, to smooth my spirt so that I be the more loving person that God intended me to be. I ask this with all my heart and soul, in the name of Jesus our Lord, who is undoubted Love. Amen

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest