My Thoughts on 25/06/2020
When I was a chaplain to a HCPT Pilgrimage Trust group that took children to Lourdes at Easter I was introduced to a song that wasn’t really liturgical but was great fun to sing at the beginning or end of Mass. ‘Jesus Is The Rock And He Rolls My Blues Away’.(Bop Shoe Bop, Shoe Bop, Whoo!) Jesus Is The Rock And He Rolls My BLUES away.
This came back to me as in today’s Gospel Jesus gives us the parable of the rock and the sand. Jesus is the solid rock on which the house of life can be built. It is good to remember this especially today as we move out of lockdown and we have to face the many changes that will inevitably take place in our way of life. It is this climate of uncertainty that unnerves people and we need to keep Christ at the centre of our life listening in prayer and reflecting on the Scriptures.
We pray today for those who suffer from insecurity and constant anxiety: may the Lord grant them the grace to trust totally in God as an everlasting rock of stability. We also pray that we keep Christ as our firm foundation in all that we undertake as we work to bring about God’s kingdom.