My Thoughts on 16/06/2020
A friend of mine is always reminding me, quoting Mary Poppins, that she is practically perfect in every way. The last sentence in today’s gospel Jesus says, “Be perfect just as your heavenly Father is perfect.” This seems impossible for us to achieve, especially as the dictionary definition of perfect is “entirely without flaw or defect, meeting supreme standards of excellence, satisfying all requirements”.
As someone who is just trying to keep things together in life this seems an impossible injunction to follow. Apparently the Greek word here translated “perfect” carries a more dynamic meaning. It suggests that it is something that we are always growing into – it is a process of becoming whole or complete. What Jesus is then saying to us is “Don’t stop, don’t give up! Keep working on becoming the person I created you to be. Don’t settle for anything less than holiness.” Holiness means becoming whole. And, don’t forget, if Jesus is asking you to become whole or complete then he will give you the grace to become whole or complete.
Today ask Jesus to show you how he wants you to grow into wholeness.
Lord, shine the light of your love on my heart. Show me both the person I am meant to be and the person I am now.