My Thoughts on 12/06/2020
Elijah the prophet having fled the murderous jezebel was eventually led to Horeb, the mountain of God where he spent a night in the cave. Then he was told to go and stand on the mountain before the Lord. He was to encounter God. There was in turn, an almighty wind, an earthquake and a fire.
God did not come in any of these. There was a sound of a gentle breeze. When Elijah heard this he covered his face with his cloak and stood at the entrance of the cave. God was in the gentle breeze. We sometimes expect God to be manifested in some dramatic way in our lives and yet God is often in the unexpected, in the quiet, in the gentle breeze. We pray in different ways. Some of our prayer is as a community and with others.
In the present climate of lockdown much of our prayer needs to be in solitude. One writer talks about solitude as a doorway to prayer, a way into prayer. Once we have passed through the door of solitude we enter through the door of silence. Silence enables us to be in touch with God and also our deeper selves. Here we can encounter the still small voice of God.
Today let us still ourselves and put away distractions and enter into solitude and silence.