My Thoughts on 06/06/2020
Two days ago, Pentecost Sunday, Archbishop John Wilson blessed the oils that are used in the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick and Ordination. The Oil of Catechumens, the Oil of Chrism and the Oil of Infirmatorum(Sick) are usually blessed and distributed to the parishes of the diocese at the Chrism Mass. This didn’t take place this year because of COVID-19.
In the present circumstances, a priest will obviously celebrate the sacrament of the sick to those who are seriously ill in hospital. The celebrations of Baptism when the child is anointed both with the Oil of catechumens and Chrism have been postponed excerpt in exceptional circumstances. There are three deacons that are waiting to be ordained priest for the Southwark Archdiocese this summer. Chrism is used to anoint their hands.. Our young people will be anointed with Chrism when they are eventually confirmed along with our Adult catechumens and candidates from the RCIA group.
At the end of the Pentecost Mass the Archbishop gave a special message to all those adults who were to be Baptised and received into full communion and confirmed at Easter. Do not be discouraged, he said, and what joy there will be for all when this happens.