My Thoughts on 01/06/2020
Today, June 1st is the first day of Summer. Some prefer to go by astronomical calendar and calculate that Summer begins on 20th June this year. According to the Liturgical calendar this is the first day of Ordinary Time after the end of the Easter Season. The use of the word “Ordinary” doesn’t means a time when nothing much happens but it comes from the Latin term ordinalis, meaning ‘numbered’ or ‘ruled’. This title simply refers to the ongoing and rhythmical nature of the season. Just like everyday life, there is a rhythm to the days and the weeks.
Monday 1st June is a new beginning for some of the children of St Thomas of Canterbury Primary school who will be beginning again after ten weeks away. Please so pray for the pupils of Foundation Year, Year One and Year Six, their families and our great staff as they adjust to a different way of being at school during the pandemic.
In 2018 Pope Francis declared the Monday after Pentecost Sunday “the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church”. This celebration will help us to remember that growth in the Christian life must be anchored to the Mystery of the Cross, to the oblation of Christ in the Eucharistic Banquet and to the Mother of the Redeemer and Mother of the Redeemed, the Virgin who makes her offering to God.
Let us ask Mary today to be with us in this time of trial and anxiety, protect our children and young people and guide as we come to understand the will of God for us.