My Thoughts on 23/05/2020
On this second day of our Novena to the Holy Spirit we reflect on the Understanding as a gift of the Holy Spirit.
I am sure when you recite the creed at Mass you are not necessarily able to write a theology paper on each of the articles. But the Gift of Understanding given to us especially at Confirmation helps us to appreciate more deeply the mystery of our faith. This gift helps us to see that God loves us with a love that has no strings attached, no limits and no conditions. This gift of understanding guides us in love to welcome the Word to ponder it and apply it.
This is my prayer today:
Come Holy Spirit, make alive in me the gift of Understanding that I may grasp how immeasurable is your love for me, for the earth, for all creation. Help me to understand how I might better live my life in my ordinary, everyday life. Guide me as I struggle with the diffuse moral and spiritual issues of these days.