My Thoughts on 19/05/2020
Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for our common home, Laudato Si’, celebrates its fifth anniversary on 24 May. To mark this, and to reflect on our relationship with the Creator and creation, we are celebrating Laudato Si’ Week.
It began on 16th May and finishes next Sunday 24th May. We are celebrating a week of global prayer and discernment on how we can build a better world as we experience history-defining crisis.
The focus, rightly, during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is shielding the vulnerable and caring for the sick but it also presents an opportunity to start anew, and to make sure that the world that arises after this crisis has passed is sustainable and just.
The theme of Laudato Si’ Week is “everything is connected.” The encyclical’s vision of integral ecology, which sees connections between how we treat God, nature, and each other, offers simple but profound truths about the bonds that unite us.
You can watch Pope Francis message for this week on YouTube below.