My Thoughts on 09/05/2020

This Sunday we are expecting some announcement from the Prime minister regarding lockdown and the next steps. Yesterday Archbishop John sent his weekly letter to priests called “Ad Clerum”.

In it he wrote: “The Catholic Bishops’ Conference is working to ensure that we are able to reopen our churches for private prayer at the first opportunity. This will, no doubt, require some supervision, proper social distancing and an appropriate hygiene regime. As soon as I have information about this, I will communicate it to you. This will be the first step, with further guidance to come about the celebration of the Sacraments.”

He reminded us: “The resurrection makes us Easter people at all times and in all places. There is no shadow that cannot be illumined by the light of the Lord’s rising. There is no darkness that cannot be brightened by His radiance. Despite all the challenges of past weeks, where would we have been without our faith in Christ? Alleluia is the song of the redeemed. It is the battle cry of the weary. It is the anthem of the true disciple. Alleluia is forever the melodious chant of the Church which gives eternal eloquence to our living and dying in Christ. Be not afraid. Be not defeated. Be not downcast.”

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest