My Thoughts on 28/04/2020

On Sky News this morning I read about the last message a young man suffering from Clovis 19 texted his fiancé before he died. “I love you. Thank you for the best life. It’s a 50/50 chance- those aren’t good odds. Once I’m asleep it’s in God’s hands.”

It reminded me of the last words of St Stephen, the first martyr, who was stoned to death. We read them in the Acts of the Apostles today, “Lord Jesus receive my spirit.” These echo the words of Jesus on the cross: “Father into your hands I commend my spirit.” This is a great prayer to say before we go to sleep each night. It reflects our constant outlook in life as we ask for the grace to centre our life on Christ.

Today we pray for that young man, Richard, and all those who have died in this pandemic. Lord welcome them into your loving embrace.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest