My Thoughts on 20/04/2020

I have received many messages after our first live streaming Mass yesterday for the 2nd Sunday of Easter-Divine Mercy Sunday. So many of those emailed or texted said it was good to be back at St Thomas’s, even though it was only virtually, and feel part of the parish family. One person in an email wrote “I am missing live Mass in our church and you and Fr Sylvester and our parish community life more than I allow myself to think”

Hopefully we will be able to live stream next Sunday at the same time. Remember we are sacrificing what is most precious to us, the Eucharist, for the good of others. Thank you for your generosity.

Let us continue to pray for one another and for those struggling with the virus, for those working in hospitals and care homes, that healing hand of Christ be upon us. Both in the reading of the Acts of the Apostles today and in the Gospel we are reminded that we have been given the Holy Spirit who strengthens us, enables us to pray, and fills us with wisdom.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest