My Thoughts on 14/04/2020
It was the women who came first to the tomb. In today’s Gospel from John we have the story of Mary of Magdalene encountering Jesus. Peter and John have left after seeing the empty tomb, but Mary lingers, enters the tomb sees the angels in white who ask her why she is weeping. She then turns around and sees Jesus but thinks he is the gardener. When Jesus says her name, Mary, she recognised him, and clings to him, saying “Master”.
What an encounter for Mary. Jesus tells her to go to his brothers and sisters to tell them he is ascending to his father. She went to the disciples to say, “I have seen the Lord.” Here is Mary the first to proclaim the Risen Lord. She is the first to share the good news of the resurrection. She is a missionary disciple. Not clinging to Jesus but going to tell others. During this octave we can reflect on how we encounter Jesus. Let us hear him say our name and then let us be prepared to share the good news of the resurrection with others.
I have been asked to pray for Dr Anton Sebastian who died of Covid-19 in the course of carrying out his vocation as a doctor. Let us also continue to pray for all those who are caring for the sick and elderly at this time.