My Thoughts on 10/04/2020

In the crematorium in Kingston whenever a Catholic family was having a service the attendant would change the Cross on the Altar for a crucifix. So a plain cross became a cross on which hung the figure of Christ. I am not sure they still do this. Was it saying that Catholics prefer images? I like to think that is reminded us that we preach Christ crucified.

Our Archbishop John Wilson wrote to the priests and deacons this week saying that we can only be effective as ministers if we fix our gaze on Christ. Our ministry must flow directly from our gaze on Christ crucified and risen.

The Father sent his Son into godforsakenness, into the morass of sin and death—not because he delighted in seeing his Son suffer, but rather because he wanted his Son to bring the divine light to the darkest place.

It is not the agony of the Son in itself that pleases his Father, but rather the Son’s willing obedience in offering his body in sacrifice in order to take away the sin of the world. St. Anselm said that the death of the Son reestablished the right relationship between divinity and humanity.

Bishop Robert Barron

Today we will not be able to come to church to the figure of the crucified Christ and venerate it. At home let us fix our eyes on Christ crucified and keep our eyes fixed on Him. This is the surest way to fulfil our call to be a disciple of Jesus. Let us be with Mary who stood silently at the foot of the cross.

Canon Father Anthony Charlton
Canon Father Anthony CharltonParish Priest